Need more followers

I write because I want people to read what i write and hopefully enjoy it. To do that I need more followers.

To my present followers:If you like what you read here spread the word to your friends. I know it can be embarrassing to admit that you follow an erotic author. Get over it. It can be liberating.

I m reaching out for new followers. If you happen upon my Blog drop a line and say hi. We can be friends.

6 thoughts on “Need more followers

  1. I like what you write
    But I don’t know how to say this to my friends
    That I am reading it too


      1. Maybe write some text to encourage my readers to your blog.What words should I use to advertise (recommend)?


      2. I don’t know. Using key words might be best so they don’t get led down a path they don’t want to go down. Erotica, Erotic writing, BDSM, Porn,

        Whatever you do will be a big help I am sure.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I wonder if you ever came across Tabitha Rayne? She’s an erotic writer in the UK, she blogs a lot, does social media and so on, she had an advise page about publishing I think which was interesting but I can’t find the link for it right now, so it might have been someone else from a link to her site, but I think it was her own. She’s very approachable and friendly, so I reckon she would offer some assistance, I was thinking of hooking you two ups before, but to be honest, I don’t know her that well, I always feel like I don’t come over very well when I meddle in other peoples creative ideas! haha, sensitive myself you see :).


    1. The name sounds familiar and I may have seen her on Twitter. I will look for her. It would be great if you could put us two together and not meddling at all.
      You can meddle and comment as much as you want with no fear of me getting butt hurt about it. Writers have to have pretty thick skins as no matter what one writes it will piss off somebody.


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